Matt 4:19
Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.
Jesus showed us 7 disciple making priorities in His prayer in John 17. Each one shows us how we can be more “Like Jesus.”
To help you understand more about disciple-making, we want to give you our quick summary of the seven “I” statements of Jesus in John 17 that so simply give us the specific “what Jesus did” to make His disciples. We call these the 7 priorities of an effective disciple-maker or our “methods” of making disciples.
These 7 priorities are a great starting place for the typical person seeking to “Live like Jesus.”
- Presence (John 17:6)
- Pass it On (John 17:8)
- Prayer (John 17:9)
- Protection (John 17:12)
- Practice (John 17:18)
When Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt 4:19), Jesus was demonstrating that discipling for Him was:
RELATIONAL (follow me)
INTENTIONAL (I will make you) and
MISSIONAL (fishers of people)
In John 17 we see seven statements by Jesus in how He discipled His men. I believe in this High Priestly prayer, Jesus wants us to learn from what He prayed back to His Father in heaven.